Night is longer than day for those who DREAM
& day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true.
& day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true.
Wen it rains all d birds fly 4Shelter.
Bt Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain By Flying Above d Cloud.
Problem is common 2 all Bt ATTITUDE define ALTITUDE
Bt Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain By Flying Above d Cloud.
Problem is common 2 all Bt ATTITUDE define ALTITUDE
Never blame a day in Ur life.
Good day gives "happiness"
Good day gives "happiness"
Bad days gives "experience"
So enjoy two day everyday
So enjoy two day everyday
As far as u think 'NOT NOW',
Succes becomes 'NEVER'...
Succes becomes 'NEVER'...
But as soon as u think 'WHY NOT NOW',
Success surely will become 'YOURS' ...!
Success surely will become 'YOURS' ...!
The most determinative & motivating sentence which shud always be followed in life.
The RACE is NOT OVER because I haven't WON yet.