Thursday, December 24, 2009

Skin Transplant

 A married
 couple was in a terrible accident where the woman's face
 was severely burned. The doctor told the husband that they
 couldn't graft any skin from her body because she was
 too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own
skin. However, the only skin on his body that the doctor
 felt was suitable would have to come from his buttocks.
 The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one
 about where the skin came from, and requested that the
 doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very
 delicate matter.
 After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at
 the woman's new beauty.. She looked more beautiful than
 she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went
 on and on about her youthful beauty!
 One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was
 overcome with emotion at his sacrifice.
 She said, "Dear, I just want to thank you for
 everything you did for me. There is no way I could ever
 repay you."
 "My darling," he replied, "think nothing of
 it. I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother
 kiss you on the cheek."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone

The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone.


A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya
(Heart Specialist) Bangalore
was arranged by WIPRO for its employees .

Qn: What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?

1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime
3. Quit smoking
4. Control weight
5. Control blood pressure and sugar

Qn: Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?

Ans: No

Qn: It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person
gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?

Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.

Qn: Are heart diseases hereditary?

Ans: Yes  

Qn: What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest to de-stress?

Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.

Qn: Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?

Ans: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints  

Qn: You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?

Ans: Mother Theresa , who was my patient

Qn: Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?

Ans: Extremely rare

Qn: Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age
(I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?

Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.

Qn: How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?

Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's enzyme release for digestion gets confused.

Qn: How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?

Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.

Qn: Can yoga prevent heart ailments?

Ans: Yoga helps.

Qn: Which is the best and worst food for the heart?  

Fruits and vegetables are the best and the worst is oil.

Qn: Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?

Ans: All oils are bad

Qn: What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?

Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill test after an echo.

Qn: What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?

Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position
, place an aspirin tablet under the tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.

Qn: How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble?

Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.

Qn: What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.

Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also,
s edentary lifestyles, smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.

Qn: Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet be perfectly healthy?

Ans: Yes.

Qn: Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child. Is it true?

Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may not have a software engineer as a child

Qn: Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights in office. Does this affect our heart ? What precautions would you recommend?

Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.

Qn: Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short / long term)?

Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive drugs are extremely safe.

Qn: Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?

Ans : No.

Qn: Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?

Ans : No.

Qn: How would you define junk food?

Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , samosas, and even masala dosas.

Qn: Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?

Ans : No.

Qn: Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded emails on this)?

Ans : Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the ambulance does not turn up.

Qn: Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?

Ans : No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercise capacity.

Qn: Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute for exercise?

Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot.

Qn: Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?

Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacks than non-diabetics.

Qn: What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?

Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time
, Control cholesterol, BP, weight.

Qn: Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to day shift workers?  

Ans : No.

Qn: What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?  

Ans : There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.

Qn: Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?

Ans : No.

Qn: Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?

Ans : Nature protects women till the age of 45.

Qn: How can one keep the heart in a good condition?

Ans : Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, go for health checkup
s if you are past the age of 30 (once in six months recommended) ....

Send it to the most beneficiary's.......

A man was leaving a cafe with his morning coffee

A man was leaving a cafe with his morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual funeral procession. A funeral coffin was followed by a second one about 50 feet behind the first.
Behind the second coffin was a solitary man walking with a black dog.
Behind him was a queue of 200 men walking in a single line.
The man couldn't stand his curiosity. He approached the man walking with the dog, "I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this with so many of you walking in a single line. Whose funeral is it?" The man replied, "Well, that first coffin is for my wife". "What happened to her?" The man replied, "My dog attacked and killed her." He inquired further,
"Well, who is in the second coffin?" The man answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when the dog attacked and killed her also."
A thoughtful moment of silence passes between the two men.
Then the first one asks in excitement, "Can I borrow the dog?"
The man replied, "Join the queue!"

Friday, November 27, 2009

30 second speech by CEO of Coca Cola


30 second Speech by Bryan Dyson (CEO of Coca Cola)

"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of these in the Air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.

But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.-

Reactions of different people


An insect falls into a mug of beer...





Throws his mug away and walks out



Takes the insect out and drinks the beer



Eats the insect and throws the beer away



Drinks the beer with insect as it is coming free



Sells the beer to the American and insect to the Chinese and gets a new mug of beer. ......INTELLIGENT INDIANS



-Accuses the Indian for throwing insect into his beer

-Relates the issue to Kashmir

-Asks the Chinese for Military aid

-Takes a loan from the American to buy one more mug of beer


Wait 4 "YENI"....Move Over Nano


Don't hurry for Nano; one more beautiful car is on its way to India ..!

Make:               RENAULT
Model:              YENI...
Apprx. Cost:    Rs. 1, 30, 000
This car will be launching in India in collaboration with Mahindra,
Which is another budget car to compete TATA and FIAT 500.

Its Awesome..!



Funny Quotes and Thoughts


"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"


"It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper."


"If it were not for Thomas Edison, we would all be watching television in the dark."


"Computers will never take the place of books. You can't stand on a floppy disk to reach a high shelf."


"An consultant is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing."


"Love is so confusing -  you tell a girl she looks great and what's the first thing you do?Turn out the lights!"
"I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier."


"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things."


"I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."


"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."


"When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum."


"Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back. "


"It's better to have loved and lost than to do forty pounds of laundry a week."


"Wealthy people miss one of life's greatest thrills. Making the last car payment."


"They've finally come up with the perfect office computer.If it makes a mistake,it blames another computer."


"Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak."


"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.But not in that order"


"When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half."


"Money isn't everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children."


"Compatible Your money fits in the salesperson's wallet."


"When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks, "Has the bus come yet?".If the bus came would I be standing here?"


"Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use."


"There are three sides to any argument: your side, my side and the right side."


"Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times."


"Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you're finished. "


"Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference."


"Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. "


"We are born naked, wet, and hungry, and get slapped on our butt then things get worse."


"It's always darkest before dawn So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it. "


"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office"


"I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early."


"The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot; The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius. "


"If our constitution allows us free speech, why are there phone bills?"


"You know the speed of light, so what's the speed of dark? "


"Honesty may be the best policy,  but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination,dishonesty is the second-best policy."


"If you can't convince them, confuse them."


"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of  what I am saying."


"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight."






Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Husband & Wife - Why divorce?

Husband & Wife - Why divorce?
In a divorce court a woman requested the judge: "Your honor, I want to divorce my husband." "But why ?" asked the judge. She replied, "Because he is not faithful to me." The judge asked, "How do you know ?" She replied, "My lord, not a single child resembles him."
Husband & Wife - Love Your Enemy
From his death bed, the husband called his wife and said, "One month after I die I want you to marry Samy." "Samy! But he is your enemy !" "Yes, I know that ! I've suffered all these years so let him suffer now."
Husband & Wife - Wedding Ring
At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger? " The other replied, "Yes I am, I married the wrong man."
Husband & Wife - Why?
" Dad, I was away for a week. Yesterday I sent a fax to my wife I'd be home that night, and when I got into my room I found my wife in another man's arms. " Why, Dad ? Tell me why!" Dad kept silent for a few minutes, then coolly said, "Maybe, Son, she didn't get the fax."
Husband & Wife - Same Service
A husband visited a marriage counselor and said, "When we were first married, I would come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little dog would run around barking. Now after ten years it's all different, I come home, the dog brings the slippers and my wife runs around barking." "Why complain?" said the counselor. "You're still getting the same service!"
Husband & Wife - Talk About Husband
One woman told another : "My neighbour is always speaking ill of her husband, but look at me, my husband is foolish, lazy and a coward; but have I ever said anything bad about him?"
Husband & Wife - Love To Do
A wife, one evening, drew her husband's attention to the couple next door and said, "Do you see that couple? How devoted they are? He kisses her every time they meet. Why don't you do that?" "I would love to." Replied the husband. "But I don't know her well enough."
Husband & Wife - No Answer Back
A man was telling his friends, "When my wife is infuriated, she starts shouting at me, my children and even at our dogs and nobody dares answer her." One of his friends asked."And when you are angry, what do you do?" The man replied, "I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dares to answer back.
Husband & Wife - Come Home Late
A woman was complaining to the neighbour that her husband always came home late, no matter how she tried to stop him. "Take my advice," said the neighbour, "and do what I did. Once my husband came home at three o'clock in the morning, and from my bed I called out: "Is that you, Jim?" And that cured him. "Cured him !" asked the woman, "but how?" The neighbour said, "You see, his name is Bill."
Husband & Wife - Problem Father
"You looked troubled," I told my friend, "what's your problem?" He replied, "I'm going to be a father." "But that's wonderful," I said. "What's wonderful? My wife doesn't know about it yet.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A 70-year-old man went to the doctor's for a physical

Connection with God  

A 70-year-old man went to the doctor's for a physical.

The doctor ran some tests and said to the man, "Well, everything seems to be in top condition physically, but what about mentally? How is your connection with God?"

And the man answered, "Oh me and God? We have a really tight bond, he's so good to me. Every night when I have to get up to go to the bathroom, he turns on the light for me, and then, when I leave, he turns it back off."

The Doctor was astonished.

He called the man's wife and said, "I'd like to speak to you about your husband's connection with God. He claims that every night when he needs to use the restroom, God turns on the light for him and turns it off for him again when he leaves. Is this true?"

And she said, "That idiot, he's been peeing in the

Friday, November 20, 2009


Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Celebrities showing their secrets unknowingly "

I thought this article might interest you.

"Some times our cinema celebrity showing their secrets unknowingly but in these days this becomes a fashion and very common in celebrities to show their secrets in public. Here is some candid photos you must like it..

You can read the full article here:

"Websites from where Software is fee for downloads"

I thought this article might interest you.

"Websites from where Software is fee for downloads

There are thousands of websites where you can find lot of softwareĆ¢?Ts for download at free of costs. But some software will be useful for you and some are junk for you. Beware today there are some sites who give spyware and malware with softwareĆ¢"

You can read the full article here:

"anjelina jolie spotted during shopping cloths for baby"

I thought this article might interest you.

"anjelina jolie spotted during shopping cloths for baby, she wears black dress and looking hot and beautiful in this dress watch her latest candid photoshoot and enjoy the pictures..

You can read the full article here:

"hot military woman in israel army"

I thought this article might interest you.

"Today woman are taking part in all activities and competitive man in all fields. in same course woman also taking parts in military, here is some photos of Israel military woman .. enjoy

You can read the full article here:

"Banta driving along the highway one evening when all of a sudden nature calls"

I thought this article might interest you.


Banta's driving along the highway one evening when all of a sudden nature calls.  He sees a little bar up the way and he pulls into the parking lot.  When he gets inside, he finds the place is packed!

The bar is crowded with people trying to get drinks, ladies are dancing on the tables and the.."

You can read the full article here:

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Thursday, November 5, 2009




Once upon a time.......there lived a King who......despite his luxurious
lifestyle... ..was neither happy nor content.

One day, the King came upon a servant who was singing happily while
he worked. This fascinated the King; why was he......the Supreme Ruler of the Land........ ..unhappy and gloomy, while a lowly servant had so much joy.

The King asked the servant, " How come you are so happy?"

The man replied, " Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, but my
family and I don't need too much........ ....just a roof over our heads and
warm food to fill our tummies ."

The king was not satisfied with that reply. Later in the day, he
sought the advice of his most trusted advisor. After hearing the
King's woes and the servant's story, the advisor said, " Your
Majesty, I believe that the servant has not been made part of The 99

" The 99 Club? And what exactly is that?" the King inquired.

The advisor replied, " Your Majesty, to truly know what The 99 Club
is........... .place 99 Gold coins in a bag and leave it at this servant's

When the servant saw the bag.......he took it into his house.. When he
opened the bag, he let out a great shout of joy....... many gold

He began to count them. After several counts.....he was at last
convinced that there were 99 coins. He wondered, " What could've
happened to that last gold coin? Surely, no one would leave 99
coins! "

He looked everywhere he could..... but that last coin was elusive.
Finally, exhausted, he decided that he was going to have to work
harder than ever to earn that gold coin and complete his collection.

From that day....the servant's life changed. He was overworked,
horribly grumpy, and castigated his family for not helping him make
that 100th gold coin. He felt so unhappy all the time.... he stopped
singing while he worked.

Witnessing this drastic transformation. ...the King was puzzled. When
he sought his advisor's help, the advisor said, " Your Majesty, the
servant has now officially joined The 99 Club. "

He continued, " The 99 Club is a name given to those people who have
enough to be happy but are never contented... ....because they're always
yearning and striving for that extra 1....... telling themselves: "Let me
get that one final thing and then I will be happy for life ."

We too can be happy with very little in our lives....... but the minute
we're given something bigger and better...... we need to watch out for
our monkey minds ......... which may want even more!

We lose our sleep....... .our happiness... ...we hurt the people around
us.......all these as a price for our growing needs and desires.

So my dear..... it
's all up to us.......whether we
want to join 'The 99 Club' .........or not!


An On-Screen Keyboard in Windows

An On-Screen Keyboard in Windows
In case your keyboard or some keys stop working, Microsoft provides you with an alternative way to type-in using the mouse. To work this tool, Go to: 'Start menu' Select: 'Run' Type in: 'OSK' Press: 'OK' A keyboard will be displayed on your monitor which you can use with your mouse.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One day an employee sends a letter to his boss asking for an increase in his salary


One day an employee sends a letter to his boss asking for an increase in his salary!!!

Dear Bo

In thi
$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding the need$of u$.We are worker$who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company ..
I am
$ure you will gue$$what I meant and re$pond $oon.


The next day, the employee received this letter of reply:


I k
NOw you have been working very hard. NOw a days, NOthing much has changed. You must haveNOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticably well . NOw the newspapers are saying the world's leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad. I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean .




Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Tablecloth - A True Story


    Beautiful story.... makes you understand that things happen for a reason 
 The brand new pastor and his wife, newly assigned to their first ministry, to reopen a church in suburban Brooklyn , arrived in early October excited about their opportunities When they saw their church, it was very run down and needed much work. They set a goal to have everything done in time to have their first service 
on Christmas Eve.
 They worked hard, repairing pews, plastering walls, painting, etc, and on December 18
were ahead of schedule and just about finished. 

On December 19 a terrible tempest - a driving rainstorm hit the area and lasted for two days. 
 n the 21st, the pastor went over to the church. His heart sank when he saw that the roof had leaked, causing a large area of plaster about 20 feet by 8 feet to fall off the front wall of the sanctuary just behind the pulpit, beginning about head high.
 The pastor cleaned up the mess on the floor, and not knowing what else to do but postpone 
the Christmas Eve service, headed home.
On the way he noticed that a local business was  having a flea market type sale for charity so he stopped in. One of the items was a beautiful, handmade, ivory colored, crocheted tablecloth 
with exquisite work, fine colors and a Cross
 embroidered right in the center. It was just 
the right size to cover up the hole in the front
  wall. He bought it and headed back to the church. 
y this time it had started to snow. An older woman running from the opposite direction was 
trying to catch the bus.. She missed it. The pastor invited her to wait in the warm church for 
the next bus 45 minutes later. 

She sat in a pew and paid no attention to the pastor while he got a ladder, hangers, etc., to put up the tablecloth as a wall tapestry. The pastor could hardly believe how beautiful it looked and it covered up the entire problem area. 

hen he noticed the woman walking down the center aisle. Her face was like a sheet.... 'Pastor,'
she asked, 'where did you get that tablecloth?' 
The pastor explained. The woman asked him to check the lower right corner to see if the initials, EBG were crocheted into it there. They were. These were the initials of the woman, and she had made this tablecloth 35 years before, in Austria  

he woman could hardly believe it as the pastor told how he had just gotten the Tablecloth. The woman explained that before the war she and her husband were well-to-do people in Austria . 
When the Nazis came, she was forced to leave. Her husband was going to follow her the next week.. He was captured, sent to prison and never saw her husband or her home again. 

The pastor wanted to give her the tablecloth;but she made the pastor keep it for the church.
   The pastor insisted on driving her home, that was the least he could do.. She lived on the other side of Staten Island and was only in Brooklyn  for the day for a housecleaning job.
hat a wonderful service they had on Christmas Eve. The church was almost full. The music and the spirit were great. At the end of the service, the pastor and his wife greeted everyone at the door and many said that they would return. 

One older man, whom the pastor recognized
  from the neighborhood continued to sit in one of the pews and stare, and the pastor wondered why he wasn't leaving. 
he man asked him where he got the tablecloth on the front wall because it was identical to one that his wife had made years ago when they lived in Austria before the war and how could there be two tablecloths so much alike. 
e told the pastor how the Nazis came, how he forced his wife to flee for her safety and he was 
supposed to follow her, but he was arrested and put in a prison.. He never saw his wife or his home again all the 35 years in between. 

he pastor asked him if he would allow him to take him for a little ride. They drove to Staten 
Island and to the same house where the pastor
  had taken  the woman three days earlier. 
e helped the man climb the three flights of stairs to the woman's apartment, knocked on
the door and he saw the greatest Christmas reunion he could ever imagine.

rue Story - submitted by Pastor Rob Reid 
Who says God does not work in mysterious ways..
 I asked the Lord to bless you as I prayed for  you today, to guide you and protect you as you go along your way. His love is always with you, His promises are true, and when we give Him all our cares you know He will see us through.